Mark Wilson - How I Became an AviatorDear Garrett…

The thoughts I think and hold in my mind are important.  My thoughts fall into two basic categories.  Thoughts are either loving our unloving.  Every thought I have is either a fear based thought or a love based thought. 
It’s easy to tell which type of thought I am thinking.  If I feel afraid the thought is fear based.  If I feel peace, the thought is love based.  Thoughts are instantly diagnostic through our emotions.  Emotions are good — they let me know what and how I am thinking — loving or unloving.
Thoughts are energy.  It takes energy to create a thought. What thought I think is up to me.  I can think loving thoughts or unloving thoughts. 
The instant I have a thought, my body has an immediate chemical response which corresponds with the content of the thought — either fear or love.  Our bodies beautifully diagnose the type of thoughts we are holding in our mind.  If I am holding a fearful thought, my heart rate and blood pressure will increase.  If I hold peace filled thoughts, heart rate and blood pressure decrease.  Thoughts can make me sick or well.
An axiom states that “Only your thoughts can cause you pain“.  This refers to pain in the mind, not the body.  I also like the axiom which states that “When the mind heals, the body heals.”
One definition of GARDEN describes the word to mean, “An open-air establishment where refreshments are served.”  The DearGarrett Thought Garden is intended to be a place of refreshment for anyone and everyone who visits here.  All the thoughts in this garden are loving thoughts.  Try them and see how you feel?

New thoughts will be posted here often.  There are an infinite number of thoughts.  We could write them down forever and never reach the end.  Psalm 139 states it like this: 

 How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!  How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand. When I awake, I am still with you.

Psalm 139:17-18 NIV

The Ancient Archives

As you know, your Dad became an Aviator.  My story of becoming an Aviator is truly incredible. It happened fast and miraculously. I am actually shocked and amazed when I looked back on how it all happened.

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Thoughts from the Archives

As you know, your Dad became an Aviator.  My story of becoming an Aviator is truly incredible. It happened fast and miraculously. I am actually shocked and amazed when I looked back on how it all happened.

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Other Thoughts

As you know, your Dad became an Aviator.  My story of becoming an Aviator is truly incredible. It happened fast and miraculously. I am actually shocked and amazed when I looked back on how it all happened.

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